Sony has launched a new PlayStation 4 community challenge website called First to Greatness, which allows PlayStation 4 owners to claim many different firsts on the new PlayStation 4 system.
The First to Greatness challenge
presents the wider PS4 audience (over a million strong now and growing)
with a series of 64 challenges that need completing across a list of
games including Killzone: Shadow Fall, Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag, NBA 2K14, and Knack.
The way things works is like this: players need to head over here for
a full list of challenges and select their desired task from among
them. Then upon completing said task players will need to use the PS4?s
Share button to record video proof of their deed and then upload said
video to Facebook. Sony is planning to do a remake of their Perfect Day
video which will include footage of the first person to complete each
challenge and thus will your video game “immortality” be assured.
Sony explains : “But even if you’re
not the first to complete a particular challenge, the site will serve as
a handy archive of your greatest PS4 accomlishments. Once you’ve
completed a challenge and uploaded the video to your Facebook account
using DualShock 4’s Share button, submit it to by
signing in with Facebook.