Green Gold Animation and Microsoft India has launched Chhota Bheem and the Throne of Bali application for Windows Phone. This app offers exclusive images, song previews, trailers and a lot more from the movie is releasing today May 3rd 2013. The app is already available for Android and iPhone. Chhota Bheem and the Curse of Damyaan app was released last year. You can read about the cast, watch trailers, listen to movie songs and shop for favorite Chhota Bheem merchandise.
Regarding the app launch, Harish Vaidyanathan, Director – Technical Evangelism, Microsoft Corporation India Pvt. Ltd. said
We are excited about the latest Chhota Bheem app on the Windows platform, and people will love the exclusive Windows experience through the great collection of pictures, trailers, music from the latest movie. With such apps we aim at providing a more localized content to the users in India and are constantly working towards giving them more. Our app ecosystem is growing at a great pace which is indicative of the fact that this is where all the app action is now taking place!
Rajiv Chilaka, Founder & Managing Director, Green Gold Animation Pvt. Ltd said,
This app on Windows Phone and Windows 8 gives the Chhota Bheem fans an opportunity to savor the adventures of their favorite character at all times via film clips, songs and images. After the success of the Chhota Bheem and the Curse of Damyaan app on Windows Phone last year, we are really excited to have Windows Phone as the technology partner for this movie and look forward to more such associations going forward.
Download Chhota Bheem and the Throne of Bali app for Windows Phone (7.5 and later) from the Windows Phone Store for free. The app is also available for Windows 8 from the Windows Store.
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