Opera Mini has the largest number of users in India and in the past one year, Opera Mini users in the country have increased by 136.6%, resulting in 19% of the total Opera Mini users coming from India, out of which 12% users are on Android.
Some of the key highlights of the report include the fact that around 21.7% of all data used by Opera Mini’s Android users is for Facebook, with Google being a distant second at 5.8%, followed by ESPNcricinfo at 1.7%. Also, about 50% of the top hundred domains visited by Opera Mini’s Android users, were related to news and information, search, price comparison and e-commerce.
Unsurprisingly, Samsung tops in the list of Android devices used to access the web via Opera Mini, with a whooping 9 out of 10 top Android devices coming from the stables of Samsung. The report adds that taking into account the top-100 Android devices of Indian Opera Mini users, Samsung tops the charts with a market share of 31%, followed by Sony and Micromax at 23% and 15% respectively.
Finally, the report suggests that India, in general, loves low-cost Android smartphones, as 9 out of the top 10 smartphones cost less than Rs.10,000, while the only device in the top-10 costing greater that Rs.10,000 is the Samsung Galaxy S2.
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